Friday, January 13, 2017

The 25th Anniversary of the Friends of the Great Swamp Quilt (FrOGS) will be  on display at Art at the Kent Library in January​​​​. Designed and made by four members of FrOGS, the quilt features twelve plants and animals that call the swamp home. Patchwork and fine needlework, colorful fabric scraps and sparkly beads were lovingly crafted to tell the story of an extraordinary place.

 The Great Swamp is New York State’s second largest fresh water wetland. It brings clean drinking water and flood control to communities in Putnam and Duchess Counties and provides habitat for hundreds of species, many rare or endangered.  The Great Swamp spans two watersheds, divided at Pawling into a north and south flow. To the north, it traverses the towns of Pawling and Dover via the Swamp River, then the Ten Mile River. It crosses into Connecticut, where it meets the Housatonic River and eventually flows into Long Island Sound.The south flow traverses the towns of Patterson and Southeast via the East branch Croton River, then it flows into Westchester via the East Branch, then the East Branch Reservoir of New York City's Croton Reservoir System, making the Great Swamp important headwaters for New York City's water supply.

The quilt will be exhibited through the month of January. The exhibit is sponsored by
the Friends of the Great Swamp. FrOGS is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that
works to preserve and protect the Great Swamp watershed through research, education
and conservation.